Verbi di Azione Manuale - Verbi per l'abbigliamento
Qui imparerai alcuni verbi inglesi che si riferiscono all'abbigliamento come "wear", "have on" e "undress".
to place or wear something on the body, including clothes, accessories, etc.

to proudly wear or show off something, like clothing or accessories

sfoggiare, esibire

to dress oneself or someone else in particular clothes, often for a specific purpose or occasion

vestire, abbigliare

to dress in a specific outfit, typically representing a specific character, theme, or period


to dress in an elaborate or stylish manner

vestire in modo elaborato, abbellire con eleganza

to dress in a specific uniform or attire, often for a particular activity or event

prepararsi, mettersi in uniforme

to complement and suit each other when combined or placed together

andare insieme, complementare