Verbi per Evocare Emozioni - Verbi per provare paura e angoscia
Qui imparerai alcuni verbi inglesi che si riferiscono a sentimenti di paura e angoscia come "panico", "preoccupazione" e "freak".
to be suddenly overwhelmed by intense fear, often leading to irrational or wild actions
entrare in panico, prendere paura
to react with extreme or irrational fear, anxiety, or agitation
freakare, spaventarsi
to express agitation, make a fuss, or become overly concerned or worked up about something
agitarsi, fare un gran parlare
(often used in negative or question form) to be upset, offended, or bothered by something
to feel upset and nervous because we think about bad things that might happen to us or our problems
to suffer mental pain or intense worry about a difficult decision or situation
angosciare, torturare
to worry too much or pay too much attention to small details
preoccuparsi, curare eccessivamente
to engage someone's mind or attention fully, especially with worries or concerns
preoccupare, assorbire
to continuously worry or allow a problem to linger in one's mind, causing discomfort or anxiety
rimuginare, torturarsi