to back out
to not do something one has promised or agreed to do

tirarsi indietro, fare marcia indietro

to bottle out
to decide not to do something because of a sudden fear or anxiety

tremare, rinunciare

to chicken out
to not to do something one planned because they feel scared or hesitant

farsi intimidire, mollare

to opt out
to choose not to participate in something or to not accept an offer

disiscriversi, scegliere di non partecipare

to sit out
to refrain from taking part in an activity, typically by remaining seated

rimanere seduto, astenersi

to stay out
to choose not to participate or engage in a discussion or argument

stare fuori, restare fuori

to wriggle out of
to escape from a responsibility or obligation, often in a dishonest manner

scappare da, evitare


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