
GRE のための上級語彙 - 心を決めてください!










Advanced Words Needed for the GRE
to aver

to confidently state or declare something as true

断言する, 主張する

断言する, 主張する

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to brook

to allow and not oppose to something that one usually finds to be unpleasant

忍ぶ, 受け入れる

忍ぶ, 受け入れる

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to countenance

to agree and not oppose to something that one generally finds unacceptable or unpleasant

容認する, 支持する

容認する, 支持する

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to delineate

to give an explanation in detail and with precision

 delineate , 詳細に説明する

delineate , 詳細に説明する

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to disabuse

to help a person rid themselves of their misconceptions

誤解を解く, 幻想を打ち崩す

誤解を解く, 幻想を打ち崩す

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to divine

to either predict the future or uncover hidden truths with the use of supernatural forces



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to equivocate

to purposely speak in a way that is confusing and open to different interpretations, aiming to deceive others

ごまかす, 曖昧にする

ごまかす, 曖昧にする

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to excoriate

to severely condemn through a harsh verbal criticism or attack

激しく非難する, 厳しく批判する

激しく非難する, 厳しく批判する

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to exhort

to strongly and enthusiastically encourage someone who is doing something

奨励する, 促す

奨励する, 促す

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to harangue

to give a speech that is lengthy, loud, and angry intending to either persuade or criticize

熱弁をふるう, 長いスピーチをする

熱弁をふるう, 長いスピーチをする

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to impugn

to question someone's honesty, quality, motive, etc.

疑問を呈する, 非難する

疑問を呈する, 非難する

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to log

to officially document all the information or events that have taken place, particularly on a plane or ship

記録する, ログする

記録する, ログする

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to maunder

to talk continuously and aimlessly

脱線する, 余談する

脱線する, 余談する

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to palaver

to aimlessly talk a lot

おしゃべりする, 無駄話をする

おしゃべりする, 無駄話をする

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to quibble

to argue over unimportant things or to complain about them

つまらないことで言い争う, 細かいことで言い争う

つまらないことで言い争う, 細かいことで言い争う

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to reproach

to blame someone for a mistake they made

非難する, 叱責する

非難する, 叱責する

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to skirt

to avoid or ignore doing something that one finds to be difficult or controversial

回避する, 逃れる

回避する, 逃れる

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having the quality of being appropriate or closely connected to the subject or situation at hand

適切な, 関連する

適切な, 関連する

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meaning to end a dispute or to stop or lessen someone's anger

和解的な, 調和的な

和解的な, 調和的な

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causing disagreement or controversy among people

物議を醸す, 論争の的になる

物議を醸す, 論争の的になる

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lacking sincerity and honesty, particularly by not revealing as much as one knows

不誠実な, 偽りの

不誠実な, 偽りの

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able to utilize language to convey something well, especially in a persuasive manner

雄弁な, 説得力のある

雄弁な, 説得力のある

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providing reasons that justify or reduce the seriousness of something bad, such as an offense

緩和的な, 情状の

緩和的な, 情状の

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making insincere and deceiving statements with ease

口先だけの, 軽薄な

口先だけの, 軽薄な

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(of an idea, intention, or act) deserving of admiration and praise, regardless of success

称賛に値する, 賞賛すべき

称賛に値する, 賞賛すべき

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possessing a limited understanding or point of view, and not open to broadening it

狭量な, 地方的な

狭量な, 地方的な

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creating a combination of different beliefs, ideas, traditions, etc.

融合的, 複合的

融合的, 複合的

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stating a cause or opinion that one strongly believes in, particularly one that causes a lot of controversy

偏向的な, 先入観を持った

偏向的な, 先入観を持った

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used to introduce additional information or to emphasize a point

さらに, その上

さらに, その上

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a harsh and severe criticism or verbal attack that is aimed toward a person or thing

ダイアトリーブ, 厳しい批判

ダイアトリーブ, 厳しい批判

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a situation that is very complex and confusing, particularly a political or social one

混乱, 複雑な状況

混乱, 複雑な状況

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the act of dealing with a situation in a subtle and skillful way

巧妙さ, 繊細さ

巧妙さ, 繊細さ

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a very small and barely noticeable difference in tone, appearance, manner, meaning, etc.

ニュアンス, 微妙な差異

ニュアンス, 微妙な差異

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