Avancerat Ordförråd för GRE - Bestäm dig!
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord om beslut, som "bäck", "gudomlig", "kjol" etc. som behövs för GRE-examen.
to allow and not oppose to something that one usually finds to be unpleasant

tåla, acceptera

to agree and not oppose to something that one generally finds unacceptable or unpleasant

tolerera, stödja

to help a person rid themselves of their misconceptions

avdisabusera, fria från missuppfattning

to either predict the future or uncover hidden truths with the use of supernatural forces


to purposely speak in a way that is confusing and open to different interpretations, aiming to deceive others

vikan, prata undang

to severely condemn through a harsh verbal criticism or attack

kritikera skarpt, hård kritik

to strongly and enthusiastically encourage someone who is doing something

uppmana, uppmuntra

to give a speech that is lengthy, loud, and angry intending to either persuade or criticize

plädera, hålla ett tal

to officially document all the information or events that have taken place, particularly on a plane or ship

logga, registrera

to avoid or ignore doing something that one finds to be difficult or controversial

undvika, runda

having the quality of being appropriate or closely connected to the subject or situation at hand

passande, relevant

meaning to end a dispute or to stop or lessen someone's anger

försonande, regerande

lacking sincerity and honesty, particularly by not revealing as much as one knows

oärlig, hypokritisk

able to utilize language to convey something well, especially in a persuasive manner

vältalig, talangfull

providing reasons that justify or reduce the seriousness of something bad, such as an offense

mildrande, förmildrande omständigheter

(of an idea, intention, or act) deserving of admiration and praise, regardless of success

berömvärd, värd beundran

possessing a limited understanding or point of view, and not open to broadening it

inskränkt, lokal

creating a combination of different beliefs, ideas, traditions, etc.

synergetisk, kombinerad

stating a cause or opinion that one strongly believes in, particularly one that causes a lot of controversy

tendentiell, partisk

a harsh and severe criticism or verbal attack that is aimed toward a person or thing

diatribe, skarp kritik

a situation that is very complex and confusing, particularly a political or social one

trassel, snårig situation

the act of dealing with a situation in a subtle and skillful way

finess, skicklighet