最も一般的な250の英語句動詞 - 上位 201 ~ 225 の句動詞
ここでは、「pick out」、「look on」、「turn up」など、英語で最も一般的な句動詞のリストのパート 9 を提供します。
to give someone or something a name in honor or in memory of another person or thing
誰かの名前を取る, 誰かにちなんで名付ける
to pass to doing something, particularly once one has finished doing something else
次に進む, 続ける
to confidently share one's thoughts or feelings without any hesitation
声を上げる, はっきりと話す
to avoid someone or something that might have a negative impact on one
遠ざかる, 避ける
to quickly lower one's body or take cover, often in response to a threat or to avoid danger
しゃがむ, 隠れる
to adjust one's actions or behavior based on specific information, ideas, or advice
行動する, 行動をとる
to complete an official form or document by writing information on it
記入する, 埋める
to be capable of living or doing something using the available resources, knowledge, money, etc.
やっていく, なんとかやる
to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety
世話をする, 面倒を見る