本 Headway - 上級 - ユニット 7
ここでは、Headway Advanced コースブックのユニット 7 の「crack on」、「beaming」、「rain off」などの語彙を見つけることができます。
to cause a machine, device, or system to stop working or flowing, usually by pressing a button or turning a switch
オフにする, 電源を切る
to complete or finalize something, especially in a successful or satisfying manner
仕上げる, 完成させる
to cause something to happen, especially something undesirable or unpleasant
引き起こす, もたらす
to stop a connection to an online account or computer system by doing specific actions
ログオフする, サインアウトする
to place or wear something on the body, including clothes, accessories, etc.
着る, つける
to continue for an extended or tedious period, often with no clear resolution or conclusion
だらだら続く, 引き延ばす
to loudly support or encourage someone, especially during a performance or competition
応援する, 声援を送る
used to dismiss someone's unrealistic or far-fetched idea or suggestion, indicating that it is unlikely or impossible to happen
夢でも見てろ, 夢でも見てるのか
to continue with a task or activity, especially with determination or enthusiasm
続ける, 進める
to cancel or postpone a match or game due to heavy rain or unfavorable weather conditions
雨で中止する, 雨で延期する
to gradually fade in color or quality over time due to constant use or other factors
色あせる, 磨耗する
to accompany someone to their point of departure and say goodbye to them
見送りする, 見送る
to approach or move towards someone or something quietly, carefully, and usually without being noticed
こっそり近づく, 静かに接近する
to cause fear in a person or an animal so that they choose to move away or retreat from a particular location or situation
怖がらせる, 追い払う
to take part in an activity or event that others are already engaged in
参加する, 加わる
to come close to or almost reach a particular level, quality, or state
境界に達する, ほぼ到達する
to include or attach something to an existing thing, usually with the intention of increasing its value, functionality, or capacity
追加する, 加える
to divide a space or area using a partition, wall, or similar barrier
区切る, 分ける
filled with a sense of joy or happiness, often to the point of appearing to glow
輝く, にこやかな
an expression in which our mouth curves upwards, when we are being friendly or are happy or amused
笑顔, ほほえみ