
本 Headway - 上級 - ユニット 7

ここでは、Headway Advanced コースブックのユニット 7 の「crack on」、「beaming」、「rain off」などの語彙を見つけることができます。









Headway - Advanced
to turn off

to cause a machine, device, or system to stop working or flowing, usually by pressing a button or turning a switch

オフにする, 電源を切る

オフにする, 電源を切る

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come on

used for encouraging someone to hurry

to switch off

to make something stop working usually by flipping a switch

オフにする, 止める

オフにする, 止める

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to go off

(of a gun, bomb, etc.) to be fired or to explode

爆発する, 発砲する

爆発する, 発砲する

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to catch on

(of a concept, trend, or idea) to become popular

流行する, 広まる

流行する, 広まる

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to finish off

to complete or finalize something, especially in a successful or satisfying manner

仕上げる, 完成させる

仕上げる, 完成させる

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to bring on

to cause something to happen, especially something undesirable or unpleasant

引き起こす, もたらす

引き起こす, もたらす

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to log off

to stop a connection to an online account or computer system by doing specific actions

ログオフする, サインアウトする

ログオフする, サインアウトする

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to put on

to place or wear something on the body, including clothes, accessories, etc.

着る, つける

着る, つける

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to pay off

(of a plan or action) to succeed and have good results

実を結ぶ, 成功する

実を結ぶ, 成功する

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to carry on

to choose to continue an ongoing activity

続ける, 継続する

続ける, 継続する

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to drag on

to continue for an extended or tedious period, often with no clear resolution or conclusion

だらだら続く, 引き延ばす

だらだら続く, 引き延ばす

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to go on

to continue without stopping

続ける, 進む

続ける, 進む

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to cheer on

to loudly support or encourage someone, especially during a performance or competition

応援する, 声援を送る

応援する, 声援を送る

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dream on

used to dismiss someone's unrealistic or far-fetched idea or suggestion, indicating that it is unlikely or impossible to happen

夢でも見てろ, 夢でも見てるのか

夢でも見てろ, 夢でも見てるのか

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to crack on

to continue with a task or activity, especially with determination or enthusiasm

続ける, 進める

続ける, 進める

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to rain off

to cancel or postpone a match or game due to heavy rain or unfavorable weather conditions

雨で中止する, 雨で延期する

雨で中止する, 雨で延期する

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to wear off

to gradually fade in color or quality over time due to constant use or other factors

色あせる, 磨耗する

色あせる, 磨耗する

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to lay off

to stop doing something

やめる, 控える

やめる, 控える

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to break off

to suddenly stop an activity or an action

中断する, 止める

中断する, 止める

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to call off

to cancel what has been planned

中止する, 取り消す

中止する, 取り消す

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to see off

to accompany someone to their point of departure and say goodbye to them

見送りする, 見送る

見送りする, 見送る

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to run off

to leave somewhere with something that one does not own

持ち逃げする, 逃げる

持ち逃げする, 逃げる

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to sneak up

to approach or move towards someone or something quietly, carefully, and usually without being noticed

こっそり近づく, 静かに接近する

こっそり近づく, 静かに接近する

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to verge

to be on the edge or border of something

縁にある, 近づく

縁にある, 近づく

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to back off

to move away from a person, thing, or situation

後退する, 離れる

後退する, 離れる

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to advance

to cause to move forward

前進させる, 進ませる

前進させる, 進ませる

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to scare off

to cause fear in a person or an animal so that they choose to move away or retreat from a particular location or situation

怖がらせる, 追い払う

怖がらせる, 追い払う

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to put off

to postpone an appointment or arrangement

延期する, 先延ばしにする

延期する, 先延ばしにする

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to join in

to take part in an activity or event that others are already engaged in

参加する, 加わる

参加する, 加わる

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to build on

to use something as a basis for further development

基にする, 構築する

基にする, 構築する

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to border on

to come close to or almost reach a particular level, quality, or state

境界に達する, ほぼ到達する

境界に達する, ほぼ到達する

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to cordon off

to restrict access to a particular area by using a barrier

隔離する, 封鎖する

隔離する, 封鎖する

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to seal off

to close a place or area to prevent people from entering or leaving

封鎖する, 閉じる

封鎖する, 閉じる

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to add on

to include or attach something to an existing thing, usually with the intention of increasing its value, functionality, or capacity

追加する, 加える

追加する, 加える

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to partition off

to divide a space or area using a partition, wall, or similar barrier

区切る, 分ける

区切る, 分ける

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having a large distance between one side and another

広い, 大きい

広い, 大きい

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filled with a sense of joy or happiness, often to the point of appearing to glow

輝く, にこやかな

輝く, にこやかな

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an expression in which our mouth curves upwards, when we are being friendly or are happy or amused

笑顔, ほほえみ

笑顔, ほほえみ

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a twisted facial expression indicating pain, disgust or disapproval

しかめっ面, ゆがみ顔

しかめっ面, ゆがみ顔

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intentionally misleading or deceptive

偽の, フェイク

偽の, フェイク

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unwilling to speak freely or disclose information

口封じの, 無口な

口封じの, 無口な

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a broad smile that reveals the teeth

ニヤリ, 笑顔

ニヤリ, 笑顔

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a half-smile that can indicate satisfaction, superiority, or amusement

にやり, 薄笑い

にやり, 薄笑い

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