
کتاب 'هدوی' پیشرفته - واحد 7

در اینجا واژگان واحد 7 را در کتاب دوره پیشرفته Headway پیدا خواهید کرد، مانند "ترک کردن"، "پرتو"، "باران خاموش" و غیره.






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شروع یادگیری
Headway - Advanced
to turn off

to cause a machine, device, or equipment to stop operating, typically by pushing a button or turning a key

خاموش کردن

خاموش کردن

come on

used for encouraging someone to hurry

عجله کن

عجله کن

to switch off

to make something stop working usually by flipping a switch

خاموش کردن

خاموش کردن

to go off

(of a gun, bomb, etc.) to be fired or to explode

منفجر شدن

منفجر شدن

to catch on

(of a concept, trend, or idea) to become popular

محبوب شدن

محبوب شدن

to finish off

to complete or finalize something, especially in a successful or satisfying manner

تمام کردن

تمام کردن

to bring on

to cause something to happen, especially something undesirable or unpleasant

موجب شدن

موجب شدن

to log off

to stop a connection to an online account or computer system by doing specific actions

از سیستم خارج شدن

از سیستم خارج شدن

to put on

to wear a piece of clothing



to pay off

(of a plan or action) to succeed and have good results

نتیجه دادن

نتیجه دادن

to carry on

to choose to continue an ongoing activity

ادامه دادن

ادامه دادن

to drag on

to continue for an extended or tedious period, often with no clear resolution or conclusion

بدون دلیل طولانی شدن

بدون دلیل طولانی شدن

to go on

to continue without stopping

ادامه دادن

ادامه دادن

to cheer on

to loudly support or encourage someone, especially during a performance or competition

تشویق کردن

تشویق کردن

dream on

used to dismiss someone's unrealistic or far-fetched idea or suggestion, indicating that it is unlikely or impossible to happen

شتر در خواب بیند پنبه دانه

شتر در خواب بیند پنبه دانه

[حرف ندا]
to crack on

to continue with a task or activity, especially with determination or enthusiasm

(با قدرت) ادامه دادن

(با قدرت) ادامه دادن

to rain off

to cancel or postpone a match or game due to heavy rain or unfavorable weather conditions

به سبب بارش باران لغو شدن

به سبب بارش باران لغو شدن

to wear off

to gradually fade in color or quality over time due to constant use or other factors

به‌تدریج از بین رفتن

به‌تدریج از بین رفتن

to lay off

to stop doing something

انجام کاری را متوقف کردن

انجام کاری را متوقف کردن

to break off

to suddenly stop an activity or an action

ناگهان خاتمه دادن

ناگهان خاتمه دادن

to call off

to cancel what has been planned

لغو کردن

لغو کردن

to see off

to accompany someone to their point of departure and say goodbye to them

بدرقه کردن

بدرقه کردن

to run off

to leave somewhere with something that one does not own

فرار کردن

فرار کردن

to sneak up

to approach or move towards someone or something quietly, carefully, and usually without being noticed

دزدکی نزدیک شدن

دزدکی نزدیک شدن

to verge

to be on the edge or border of something

نزدیک چیزی بودن

نزدیک چیزی بودن

to back off

to move away from a person, thing, or situation

عقب‌نشینی کردن

عقب‌نشینی کردن

to advance

to cause to move forward or to progress

به جلو راندن

به جلو راندن

to scare off

to cause fear in a person or an animal so that they choose to move away or retreat from a particular location or situation

فراری دادن

فراری دادن

to put off

to postpone an appointment or arrangement

به تعویق انداختن

به تعویق انداختن

to join in

to take part in an activity or event that others are already engaged in

شرکت کردن

شرکت کردن

to build on

to use something as a basis for further development

چیزی را مبنا قرار دادن

چیزی را مبنا قرار دادن

to border on

to come close to or almost reach a particular level, quality, or state

در مرز چیزی بودن

در مرز چیزی بودن

to cordon off

to restrict access to a particular area by using a barrier

مسدود کردن

مسدود کردن

to seal off

to close a place or area to prevent people from entering or leaving

ناحیه یا مکانی را بستن

ناحیه یا مکانی را بستن

to add on

to include or attach something to an existing thing, usually with the intention of increasing its value, functionality, or capacity



to partition off

to divide a space or area using a partition, wall, or similar barrier

تقسیم کردن

تقسیم کردن


having a large distance between one side and another




filled with a sense of joy or happiness, often to the point of appearing to glow




an expression in which our mouth curves upwards, when we are being friendly or are happy or amused




a twisted facial expression indicating pain, disgust or disapproval




intentionally misleading or deceptive




unwilling to speak freely or disclose information




a broad smile that reveals the teeth




a half-smile that can indicate satisfaction, superiority, or amusement



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