
本 Headway - 中上級 - ユニット1

ここでは、Headway 上級中級コースブックのユニット 1 にある「失恋」、「消防署」、「大群」などの語彙を見つけることができます。









Headway - Upper Intermediate

lasting the whole of a person's life

生涯の, 一生の

生涯の, 一生の

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life expectancy

the average number of years a person is expected to live, based on various demographic and health factors

平均寿命, 期待される寿命

平均寿命, 期待される寿命

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life story

the account or narrative of a person's life, typically including significant events, experiences, and personal details

人生の物語, 生活の物語

人生の物語, 生活の物語

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having the same size as an actual living being or object, without any exaggeration or reduction

実物大, 実際のサイズ

実物大, 実際のサイズ

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a type of life that a person or group is living

ライフスタイル, 生活様式

ライフスタイル, 生活様式

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experiencing intense sadness, grief, or disappointment due to a broken romantic relationship or other loss

心が折れた, 悲しい

心が折れた, 悲しい

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the rhythmic movement of the heart while it is pumping blood

心拍, 脈拍

心拍, 脈拍

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heart attack

a medical emergency that happens when blood flow to the heart is suddenly blocked, which is fatal in some cases

心臓発作, 心筋梗塞

心臓発作, 心筋梗塞

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inspiring positive emotions such as joy, happiness, and affection in the viewer or reader

心温まる, 感動的な

心温まる, 感動的な

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regular work done in a house, especially cleaning, washing, etc.

家事, ハウスワーク

家事, ハウスワーク

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the act of returning to one's home or place of origin

帰郷, ホームカミング

帰郷, ホームカミング

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a plant that is typically grown indoors in a home or other building, often for decorative purposes

室内植物, インドアプランツ

室内植物, インドアプランツ

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a married woman who does the housework such as cooking, cleaning, etc. and takes care of the children, and does not work outside the house

主婦, 妻

主婦, 妻

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describing someone who takes great pride in the appearance, cleanliness, and overall condition of their home

家を自慢する, 家庭の美観を重んじる

家を自慢する, 家庭の美観を重んじる

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feeling sad because of being away from one's home

ホームシック, 郷愁

ホームシック, 郷愁

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the town or city where a person grew up or was born

故郷, 出身地

故郷, 出身地

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a person who is unable or restricted from leaving their home, typically due to physical, medical, or other circumstances

自宅にいる人, 自宅待機者

自宅にいる人, 自宅待機者

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referring to something that is native, locally produced, or originating from one's own country or region

地元の, 国産の

地元の, 国産の

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a party that one gives in a new house or an apartment they just purchased to celebrate such event

新居祝い, 家の温かさ祝い

新居祝い, 家の温かさ祝い

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the main opening page of a website that introduces it and links the user to other pages

ホームページ, ウェブサイトのトップページ

ホームページ, ウェブサイトのトップページ

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someone who does not have a place to live in and so lives on the streets

ホームレス, 無宿者

ホームレス, 無宿者

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any sea creature that is eaten as food such as fish, shrimp, seaweed, and shellfish

海鮮, 魚介類

海鮮, 魚介類

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‌a board connected to a wall or a piece of furniture on which books are kept

本棚, 書庫

本棚, 書庫

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junk food

unhealthy food, containing a lot of fat, sugar, etc.

ジャンクフード, 不健康な食べ物

ジャンクフード, 不健康な食べ物

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a device that has two pieces that cover the ears and is used to listen to music or sounds without others hearing

ヘッドフォン, イヤホン

ヘッドフォン, イヤホン

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the large words in the upper part of a page of a newspaper, article, etc.

見出し, ヘッドライン

見出し, ヘッドライン

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the forward movement or advancement made despite difficulties or obstacles

進展, 前進

進展, 前進

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a book used for the study of a particular subject, especially in schools and colleges

教科書, テキストブック

教科書, テキストブック

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text message

a written message that one sends or receives using a mobile phone

テキストメッセージ, SMS

テキストメッセージ, SMS

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open air

an outdoor or unenclosed space that is exposed to the elements

オープンエア, 屋外

オープンエア, 屋外

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business line

a specific set or range of products or merchandise offered by a business, often with a common theme, category, or market focus

ビジネスライン, 商品ライン

ビジネスライン, 商品ライン

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a man who does business activities like running a company

ビジネスマン, 起業家

ビジネスマン, 起業家

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a building or facility used by firefighters as a station for fire-fighting equipment and personnel

消防署, ファイアハウス

消防署, ファイアハウス

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fire alarm

a device that gives warning of a fire, by making a loud noise

火災警報器, 煙探知機

火災警報器, 煙探知機

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sleeping pill

a medication taken to induce sleep or relieve insomnia

睡眠薬, スリーピングピル

睡眠薬, スリーピングピル

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sleeping bag

a portable, padded, and zippered bag used for sleeping, typically outdoors or while camping



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air conditioning

a system that controls the temperature and humidity in a house, car, etc.

エアコン, 空調

エアコン, 空調

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a large group of people gathered together in a particular place

群衆, 集団

群衆, 集団

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a large moving crowd or mass of people, often in a disorderly or unruly manner

 Horde, 群衆

Horde, 群衆

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to understand

to know something's meaning, particularly something that someone says

理解する, わかる

理解する, わかる

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to grasp

to mentally understand information or concepts

理解する, 把握する

理解する, 把握する

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having or bringing good luck

運がいい, 幸運な

運がいい, 幸運な

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to strike gold

to have great success with something, particularly something that brings one a lot of money


a short period of sleep, typically taken during the day to refresh or rest

昼寝, うたた寝

昼寝, うたた寝

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to look after

to take care of someone or something and attend to their needs, well-being, or safety

世話をする, 面倒を見る

世話をする, 面倒を見る

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to fend for

to take care of oneself, especially in a challenging or difficult situation, without the help or support of others

自分の面倒を見る, 自力で対処する

自分の面倒を見る, 自力で対処する

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to sleep rough

to sleep outdoors or in a place that is not intended for accommodation, such as on the streets or in a park, usually without proper bedding or shelter


familiar with something, often through repeated experience or exposure

慣れた, 通例の

慣れた, 通例の

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to settle down

to move from a standing or active position to a seated and more relaxed state

落ち着く, 座る

落ち着く, 座る

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an unlawful act that is punishable by the legal system

犯罪, 違法行為

犯罪, 違法行為

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foul play

unfair or dishonest behavior, often implying criminal activity or violence

不正行為, 犯罪行為

不正行為, 犯罪行為

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consisting of multiple famous entertainers, performers, etc.

スターの揃った, 豪華な

スターの揃った, 豪華な

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having been made at home, rather than in a factory or store, especially referring to food

手作りの, 家庭製の

手作りの, 家庭製の

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schoolwork that students have to do at home

宿題, ホームワーク

宿題, ホームワーク

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