
本 Total English - 中上級 - ユニット 7 - リファレンス - パート 2

ここでは、Total English Upper-Intermediate コースブックの Unit 7 - Reference - Part 2 にある「treat」、「spoil」、「gourmet」などの語彙を紹介します。









Total English - Upper-intermediate

a plant or a part of it that we can eat either raw or cooked

野菜, 植物

野菜, 植物

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someone who avoids eating meat

ベジタリアン, 女性ベジタリアン

ベジタリアン, 女性ベジタリアン

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to bid

to offer a particular price for something, usually at an auction

入札する, 価格を提示する

入札する, 価格を提示する

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to haggle

to negotiate, typically over the price of goods or services

値切る, 交渉する

値切る, 交渉する

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to bargain

to negotiate the terms of a contract, sale, or similar arrangement for a better agreement, price, etc.

交渉する, バーゲンする

交渉する, バーゲンする

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the act of reducing the usual price of something

ディスカウント, 値引き

ディスカウント, 値引き

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an amount of money that is paid back because of returning goods to a store or one is not satisfied with the goods or services

返金, リファンド

返金, リファンド

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a written or printed document that shows the payment for a set of goods or services has been made

領収書, レシート

領収書, レシート

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to afford

to be able to pay the cost of something

払う余裕がある, 購入できる

払う余裕がある, 購入できる

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important or good enough to be treated or viewed in a particular way

価値のある, 重要な

価値のある, 重要な

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to spoil

to treat someone with excessive indulgence or favoritism

甘やかす, 可愛がる

甘やかす, 可愛がる

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to indulge

to allow oneself to do or have something that one enjoys, particularly something that might be bad for one

甘やかす, 楽しむ

甘やかす, 楽しむ

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to pamper

to treat someone with extra care, attention, and comfort, often with the intention of making them feel good or relaxed

甘やかす, もてなす

甘やかす, もてなす

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to treat

to deal with or behave toward someone or something in a particular way

扱う, 接する

扱う, 接する

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to go on

to continue without stopping

続ける, 進む

続ける, 進む

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spending spree

a short period of time during which someone spends a significant amount of money, often on a variety of items or experiences

買い物狂, 散財

買い物狂, 散財

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the characteristic of being exceptionally expensive, offering superior quality and exclusivity

贅沢, ラグジュアリー

贅沢, ラグジュアリー

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the fact that something must happen or is needed



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over the top

in a manner that is too extreme or exaggerated

過度に, 極端に

過度に, 極端に

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(of people) spending money in an extravagant or generous manner

贅沢な, 気前の良い

贅沢な, 気前の良い

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(of food or drink) high quality, rare, or exotic, with an emphasis on flavor, presentation, and culinary expertise, often associated with sophisticated or refined taste

グルメ, 高級

グルメ, 高級

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costing a lot of money, more than the necessary or affordable amount

 extravagant , 贅沢な

extravagant , 贅沢な

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beyond what is considered normal or socially acceptable

過度の, 過剰な

過度の, 過剰な

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extra large

(of a size) larger than large, often used for clothing, packaging, or other items

エクストラサイズ, 特大

エクストラサイズ, 特大

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expensive in way that is not reasonable

 overpriced , 高すぎる

overpriced , 高すぎる

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not probable and difficult to believe

無理な, 信じ難い

無理な, 信じ難い

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to oversleep

to wake up later than one intended to

寝過ごす, 寝坊する

寝過ごす, 寝坊する

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to undercook

to cook food for less time than necessary

生焼けにする, 十分に料理しない

生焼けにする, 十分に料理しない

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boring because of being the same thing all the time

単調な, 退屈な

単調な, 退屈な

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(of a person) displaying a childish behavior due to being treated very well or having been given everything they desired in the past

贅沢に育てられた, 甘やかされた

贅沢に育てられた, 甘やかされた

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