一般トレーニング IELTS (バンド 8 以上) - スポーツ
ここでは、General Training IELTS 試験に必要なスポーツに関する英単語を学びます。
a winter game where players slide round flat stones across the ice in order to hit a certain mark
カーリング, カーリング競技
a high-intensity fitness program that combines various exercises like weightlifting, cardio, and gymnastics
クロスフィット, クロスフィットプログラム
a game played on a field with two teams, each consisting of ten players using long-handled sticks with a net to throw, carry, and catch the ball
ラクロス, ラクロスのゲーム
a team sport played indoors with plastic sticks and a lightweight ball, resembling indoor hockey
フロアボール, インドアホッケー
an outdoor game played with a tall pole and a ball attached to a rope, where players hit the ball in opposite directions to wrap the rope around the pole in their favor
テザーボール, ボールゲーム
a team or player that gains a tournament or playoff spot without meeting regular qualification criteria
ワイルドカード, 面白いチーム
a competition consisting of ten different sports that takes place over two days
a person who holds a title or championship in a particular activity or sport
タイトル保持者, チャンピオン
a person or team trying to win something in a contest, especially one with a strong chance of winning
挑戦者, 競技者
the final match to determine the winning team or player when they have the same score
プレーオフ, 決定戦
an exciting or dramatic conclusion to a sporting event, often with a close or unexpected outcome
盛大なフィニッシュ, 感動的な結末
the palyer that is judged to be the most significant or useful in the team
最優秀選手, 最も価値のある選手