評価と感情の副詞 - 否定的な感情を呼び起こす副詞
in a manner that causes feelings of shame, self-consciousness, or awkwardness

恥ずかしく, 照れくさく

in a way that is extremely unpleasant, causing a strong feeling of revulsion or discomfort

ひどく嫌な方法で, 不快に

in a manner that arouses doubt, mistrust, or a feeling that something may be wrong or dishonest

疑わしく, 疑念を持って

in a manner that causes anger, resentment, or hurt feelings, often due to being disrespectful or inappropriate

攻撃的に, 不快に

in a manner that is openly or blatantly offensive, unmistakably violating rules, norms, or standards

あからさまに, 露骨に

in a manner that causes severe and overwhelming destruction or emotional pain

壊滅的に, 圧倒的に

in a manner that is shockingly unpleasant or morally offensive, causing intense disapproval

衝撃的に, 恐ろしいほどに

in a manner that is deeply unsettling or unnerving, causing a shiver of fear or discomfort

ぞっとするように, 身震いするほど

in a manner that causes feelings of annoyance or disappointment

いらだたしく, フラストレーションを引き起こすように