ظروف التقييم والعاطفة - ظروف استحضار المشاعر السلبية
تشير هذه الظروف إلى حدوث شعور سلبي أو غير سار لدى شخص ما، مثل "مزعج"، "مزعج"، "مثير للقلق"، إلخ.
بطاقات الفلاش
اختبار قصير
in a manner that causes feelings of shame, self-consciousness, or awkwardness
بشكل محرج
in a way that makes things unclear or difficult to understand
بشكل محير
in a way that is extremely unpleasant, causing a strong feeling of revulsion or discomfort
مثير للاشمئزاز
in a manner that causes feelings of sadness or hopelessness
بشكل محبط
in a manner that arouses doubt, mistrust, or a feeling that something may be wrong or dishonest
بشكل مثير للريبة
in a way that causes great surprise, astonishment, or disbelief
بشكل مثير للصدمة
in a manner that causes anger, resentment, or hurt feelings, often due to being disrespectful or inappropriate
in a manner that is openly or blatantly offensive, unmistakably violating rules, norms, or standards
بشكل صارخ
in a manner that causes anger or argument, particularly intentionally
بشكل استفزازي
in a manner that causes severe and overwhelming destruction or emotional pain
بشكل مدمر
in a manner that is shockingly unpleasant or morally offensive, causing intense disapproval
بشكل مروع
in a manner that is deeply unsettling or unnerving, causing a shiver of fear or discomfort
تقشعر له الأبدان
in a manner that causes feelings of annoyance or disappointment
بشكل محبط
in a manner that is shockingly dreadful, causing extreme fear or revulsion
بشكل مرعب
in a manner that evokes a feeling of unease, fear, or discomfort
بشكل مخيف