
意見と議論 - 議論における視点










Words Related to Opinion and Argument

used to express one's opinion

もし, 場合

もし, 場合

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if anything

used to suggest that the opposite of what has been stated may be closer to the truth

if you ask me

used to introduce one's personal opinion or perspective on a topic, emphasizing on the fact that it is their personal view

I am easy

used to express indifference toward the options or choices that are offered

in my humble opinion

an abbreviation that is used in texting to express one's personal opinion about a particular subject


an opinion or feeling that one has about someone or something, particularly one formed unconsciously

印象, 感情

印象, 感情

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in all honesty

used to emphasize that the speaker is being sincere and truthful in their statement

正直に言うと, 率直に言えば

正直に言うと, 率直に言えば

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giving an opinion in a way that is not strong

傾向のある, 好意的な

傾向のある, 好意的な

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to infer

to reach an opinion or decision based on available evidence and one's understanding of the matter

推測する, 推論する

推測する, 推論する

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a conclusion one reaches from the existing evidence or known facts

推論, 結論

推論, 結論

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the quality of being unable or unwilling to change

不柔軟性, 堅固さ

不柔軟性, 堅固さ

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in a firm and unchangeable manner

硬く, 厳格に

硬く, 厳格に

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in my book

according to one’s own personal opinion

in one's eyes

according to one’s opinion

in one's opinion

used to express what one thinks or believes, which is not necessarily a fact

to interject

to suddenly interrupt someone with one’s own opinion or remark

口を挟む, 遮る

口を挟む, 遮る

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in the sight of

according to someone's opinion or perception


the state or quality of unwillingness to change one's opinion or behavior

不妥協, 頑固さ

不妥協, 頑固さ

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someone who possesses the necessary knowledge or ability to form or give an opinion about something or someone

裁判官, 評価者

裁判官, 評価者

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an opinion that is formed after thinking carefully

判断, 評価

判断, 評価

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to judge

to form a decision or opinion based on what one knows

判断する, 評価する

判断する, 評価する

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to keep one's own counsel

to keep one's opinions, plans, or intentions secret


a tendency to believe in or favor something

傾向, 嗜好

傾向, 嗜好

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to lean

to have a tendency to choose or support something

傾く, 好む

傾く, 好む

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to lean towards

to favor something, especially an opinion

傾く, 支持する

傾く, 支持する

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left field

an opinion that is uncommon, unpopular, or strange

異常な意見, 奇妙な見解

異常な意見, 奇妙な見解

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used in a question asking for a description of someone or something

のように, のような

のように, のような

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to maintain

to firmly and persistently express an opinion, belief, or statement as true and valid

維持する, 主張する

維持する, 主張する

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to make one's voice heard

to ascertain that one's feeling, opinion, point of view, etc. is considered, understood, or has an impact

middle ground

a specific set of opinions, ideas, etc. on which conflicting parties agree; a position that is intermediate

中間地, 妥協点

中間地, 妥協点

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to misjudge

to form an incorrect opinion or assessment about someone or something

誤解する, 誤って判断する

誤解する, 誤って判断する

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‌an incorrect or unjust opinion that is formed about someone

誤解, 誤った判断

誤解, 誤った判断

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an act or opinion that is wrong

間違い, 誤り

間違い, 誤り

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wrong in one's judgment, opinion, or belief

誤った, 間違った

誤った, 間違った

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in a wrong or incorrect manner

誤って, 間違って

誤って, 間違って

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to mold

to shape or influence the way someone’s character or opinions develop

形作る, 影響を与える

形作る, 影響を与える

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to moralize

to be critical of people and tell them what is right and wrong in order to establish one’s superiority

道徳的にする, 道徳を教える

道徳的にする, 道徳を教える

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to muzzle

to restrain someone from freely expressing their opinions in public

口をふさぐ, 抑える

口をふさぐ, 抑える

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the reputation that someone has or the opinion that people have about them

名前, 評判

名前, 評判

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‌in a way that deliberately refrains from giving a definitive answer or expressing one's opinion or intentions clearly

あいまいに, 不明確に

あいまいに, 不明確に

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(usually plural) a short review on a new play, book, film etc., especially one that is written exclusively for a newspaper or magazine

レビュー, 批評

レビュー, 批評

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not half

used to emphasize a fact, opinion, statement or quality
