pet peeve
something that annoys or bothers someone on a personal levelsomething that annoys or bothers someone on a personal level

小言, 個人的な苛立ち

to please
to do what one wants or desires, without worrying about the opinions or desires of others

好きにする, 自分の好みに従う

deeply fascinated by someone, particularly in a foolish or unreasonable way

夢中になっている, 馬鹿みたいに惚れている

to prefer
to want or choose one person or thing instead of another because of liking them more

好む, 選ぶ

a strong liking for one option or choice over another based on personal taste, favor, etc.

好み, 選択

to take a fancy to somebody or something
to grow to like someone or something, often without any specific reason
to take a shine to somebody or something
to start having feelings of attachment or fascination toward someone or something
