
성공 - 성공 달성

"bring home the bacon" 및 "without a hitch"를 포함하여 성공 달성과 관련된 영어 관용어를 살펴보세요.







학습 시작
English idioms related to Success
to bring home the bacon

to manage to achieve one's desired goal

일용할 양식을 벌다

일용할 양식을 벌다

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to make one's mark

to become noticed or well-known by doing something, particularly something unusual or impressive

명성과 성공을 이루다

명성과 성공을 이루다

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to go down a bomb

to be extremely popular or successful

폭탄을 떨어뜨리다

폭탄을 떨어뜨리다

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to make or break

to bring about either success or failure for someone or something

큰 성공 또는 큰 실패

큰 성공 또는 큰 실패

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to sink or swim

to be left in a situation where one either succeeds or fails

승리 또는 패배

승리 또는 패배

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to blaze a trail

to be the first individual who discovers something or does something new and authentic

어떤 일을 가장 먼저 하는 것

어떤 일을 가장 먼저 하는 것

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kill or cure

used to describe a risky or extreme action or solution that could either lead to great success or complete failure

큰 성공 또는 큰 실패

큰 성공 또는 큰 실패

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by the skin of one's teeth

used to describe a situation in which one barely manages to do something or escape danger

간신히 (위험한 것을 피하면서)

간신히 (위험한 것을 피하면서)

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to run sb/sth to ground

to manage to find something or someone after a long time of searching

결국 뭔가를 발견

결국 뭔가를 발견

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to do the trick

to succeed in achieving the required result or solving the encountered problem



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to open doors to sb/sth

to create opportunities that lead to success

기회 창출

기회 창출

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new lease on life

a situation where something regains success or popularity

두번째 기회

두번째 기회

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to get to first base with sth

to achieve an initial level of success in dealing with a particular task, situation, challenge, etc.

성공적으로 시작

성공적으로 시작

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without a hitch

(of a process or event) without encountering any problems, difficulties, or obstacles



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to turn a trick

to perform a clever or skillful action, find a quick solution to a problem, or successfully complete a task or job

영리하게 반응하거나 반응

영리하게 반응하거나 반응

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to go great guns

to continue to succeed fast

빠르거나 큰 성공

빠르거나 큰 성공

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