Thành Công - Đạt được thành công
Khám phá các thành ngữ tiếng Anh liên quan đến việc đạt được thành công, bao gồm "mang thịt xông khói về nhà" và "không gặp trở ngại".
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Thẻ ghi nhớ
Đố vui
to become noticed or well-known by doing something, particularly something unusual or impressive
to be the first individual who discovers something or does something new and authentic
used to describe a risky or extreme action or solution that could either lead to great success or complete failure
used to describe a situation in which one barely manages to do something or escape danger
to manage to find something or someone after a long time of searching
to succeed in achieving the required result or solving the encountered problem
to achieve an initial level of success in dealing with a particular task, situation, challenge, etc.
(of a process or event) without encountering any problems, difficulties, or obstacles