건축 및 건설 - 도구 적용 및 확산
여기에서는 "페인트 롤러", "흙손", "글레이징 나이프"와 같은 도구를 적용하고 펴는 것과 관련된 영어 단어를 배웁니다.
a power tool used for applying paint or other coatings to surfaces by spraying a fine mist of paint particles

페인트 분무기, 페인트 스프레이

a flat, flexible hand tool with a blunt blade, typically made of metal or plastic, used for applying and smoothing putty, filler, or other similar materials onto surfaces

퍼티 나이프, 스패출러

a handheld tool with a flat, rectangular blade featuring notches or teeth along one or both edges, used for applying adhesive, mortar, or other materials with consistent ridges or grooves onto surfaces

톱니형 술모자, 파인 술 모자

a handheld tool used to spread, level, and smooth materials like plaster, concrete, or grout during construction or finishing work

플로트, 마사기

a specialized tool with a thin, flexible blade used for applying and smoothing putty or glazing compound onto window frames or glass when installing or repairing windows

유리 날, 글레이징 나이프

a handheld tool specifically designed for dispensing caulk or sealant from a cartridge

코킹 건, 실리콘 건

a handheld tool that melts and dispenses adhesive glue sticks for bonding materials together

글루 건, 접착제 총

a tool with bristles or fibers used for applying paint, stain, or sealant to masonry surfaces, such as bricks, blocks, or concrete

조적용 브러시, 벽돌 브러시

a woodworking tool that applies pressure to hold a workpiece securely during cutting or shaping operations

깃털 보드, 솜털 판

a handheld tool that emits hot air and is used for tasks like paint stripping, shrink-wrapping, and loosening adhesive

열풍기, 열 건

a small portable device that produces a hot flame for heating and bonding materials together, typically used in crafts or repairs

납땜 토치, 소형 납땜 토치

a hand tool with a flat, pointed, or rounded blade used for applying and spreading mortar, plaster, or other similar materials onto surfaces such as walls, floors, or ceilings during masonry or tile work

흙손, 모자

a handheld tool with a flat, pointed blade and a handle, specifically designed for spreading and shaping mortar or cement when laying bricks or blocks in masonry construction

벽돌 흙손, 모르타르 흙손

a small, rectangular handheld tool with a flat, pointed blade and a handle, used for various tasks in masonry and tile work

모서리 trowel, 폭소

a specialized hand tool with a triangular-shaped blade used for applying joint compound to inside corners during drywall installation and finishing

코너 트로웰, 모서리 타일