Academisch IELTS (Band 5 en Lager) - Research
Hier leert u enkele Engelse woorden die verband houden met onderzoek en die nodig zijn voor het Basic Academic IELTS-examen.
a set of ideas intended to explain the reason behind the existence or occurrence of something
theorie, doctrine
information or facts collected to be used for various purposes
gegevens, informatie
a brief summary that presents the key points of a book, speech, etc.
samenvatting, abstract
the process or action of carefully watching a thing or person, often for learning something about them
observatie, waarneming
a careful and systematic study of a subject to discover new facts or information about it
onderzoek, studie
anything that proves the truth or possibility of something, such as facts, objects, or signs
bewijs, evidence
a methodical examination of the whole structure of something and the relation between its components
analyse, methodisch onderzoek
a specific way or process of doing something, particularly an established or systematic one
methode, procedure
a randomly selected part of a larger group, put to study in order to gain knowledge or to draw conclusions about the larger group
monster, een willekeurig monster
something that is caused by something else
resultaat, gevolg
a decision reached after thoroughly considering all relevant information
conclusie, besluit
a piece of information discovered as a result of a research
ontdekking, bevinding
a printed work, such as a book, magazine, etc. that is publicly distributed
publicatie, druk
a magazine or newspaper that gives information about a specific topic
tijdschrift, magazine
a piece of writing that briefly analyzes or discusses a specific subject
a paper containing a series of questions that is given to people to collect information for statistical reasons
vragenlijst, quête
a short note in a book giving information about the source of its subject
verwijzing, bron
a series of facts supporting a theory or an argument
zaak, gevallen
data and information that can be gathered to form a research
materiaal, bronnen
a device or tool that requires specific knowledge on how to be used
instrument, apparaat
a book or a document that supplies information in a research and is referred to
bron, verwijzing
a way of doing something or dealing with a problem
benadering, methode
one of the things that affects something or contributes to it
factor, element
an inspection of opinions or experiences of a specific group of people that is usually done in the from of questions
enquête, peiling