Werkwoorden van Verbale Handeling - Werkwoorden voor uitleg
Hier leert u enkele Engelse werkwoorden die verwijzen naar verklaringen zoals "verduidelijken", "definiëren" en "uitwerken".
to make something clear and easy to understand by giving more information about it
uitleggen, helder maken
to make something clear and easy to understand by explaining it more
verhelderen, ophelderen
to provide explanations or information to make something more understandable
ophelderen, verklaren
to clearly and explicitly explain something
duidelijk uitleggen, uitgebreid uitleggen
to make something easier or less complex to understand, do, etc.
vereenvoudigen, vergemakkelijken
to say the meaning of an expression or word, particularly in a dictionary
definiëren, uitleggen
to give more information to make the understanding more complete
uitwerken, toelichten
to provide more details, information, or a more comprehensive explanation about a particular topic or idea
uitbreiden, verdiepen
to give a short and simplified version that covers the main points of something
samenvatten, syntheseren
to briefly state the most important parts or facts of something
samenfatten, samenvatten
to give a brief description of something excluding the details
schetsen, kort beschrijven
to express the meaning of something written or spoken with a different choice of words
parafraseren, herformuleren
to represent something in a short and brief manner
incapsuleren, samenvatten
to give a brief summary, especially by reviewing key points or events
samenvatten, herzien
to clearly define or state specific details, characteristics, or requirements
specificeren, bepalen
to describe a specific subject, scene, person, etc.
afbeelden, beschrijven
to describe something or someone through words
beschrijven, afbeelden
to give details about someone or something to say what they are like
beschrijven, uitleggen
to provide a detailed description of someone or something
profileren, characteriseren
to explain something by providing examples, doing experiments, etc.
demonstreren, illustreren
to explain something thoroughly and with specific information
details geven, uitgebreid uitleggen
to describe the qualities of someone or something in a certain manner
kenmerken, beschrijven