Książka English File - Średnio zaawansowany niższy - Lekcja 2A
Tutaj znajdziesz słownictwo z lekcji 2A z podręcznika English File Pre-Intermediate, takie jak „camping”, „sightseeing”, „lovely” itp.
a day fixed by law when we do not have to go to school or work, usually because of a religious or national celebration

dzień wolny, urlop

the days of the week, usually Saturday and Sunday, when people do not have to go to work or school

weekend, koniec tygodnia

to leave the house and attend a specific social event to enjoy your time

wyjść, iść gdzieś

the activity of visiting interesting places in a particular location as a tourist

zwiedzanie, turystyka

the act of moving our bodies through water with the use of our arms and legs, particularly as a sport


the sport or activity of riding a surfboard to move on waves

surfing, pływanie na desce do surfingu

the activity of catching a fish with special equipment such as a fishing line and a hook or net

wędkarstwo, zajęcie wędkarskie

to reserve a specific thing such as a seat, ticket, hotel room, etc.

zarezerwować, zamówić

something that we usually buy and bring back for other people from a place that we have visited on vacation

pamiątka, suvenir

to live somewhere for a short time, especially as a guest or visitor

zatrzymać się, przebywać

a building where we give money to stay and eat food in when we are traveling

hotel, pensjonat

a specific location that is intended for people to set up a tent

miejsce biwakowe, pole namiotowe

someone we know well and trust, but normally they are not part of our family

przyjaciel, znajomy

to lie or sit in the sun in order to darken one's skin

opalać się, kąpać się w słońcu

something that we use to buy and sell goods and services, can be in the form of coins or paper bills

pieniądze, kapitał

the quantity that is measured in seconds, minutes, hours, etc. using a device like clock

czas, okres

to let someone use one's property, car, etc. for a particular time in exchange for payment


a place that has a few rooms for people to live in, normally part of a building that has other such places on each floor

apartament, mieszkanie

to pay for using something such as a car, house, equipment, etc. temporarily

wynająć, zatrudnić

a vehicle with two wheels that we ride by pushing its pedals with our feet

rower, bajk

either of a pair of long thin objects worn on our feet to make us move faster over the snow


physically feeling relaxed and not feeling pain, stress, fear, etc.

wygodny, komfortowy

extremely comfortable, elegant, and often made with high-quality materials or features

luksusowy, wytworny

offering assistance or support, making tasks easier or problems more manageable for others

pomocny, wspierający

having a temperature that is high but not hot, especially in a way that is pleasant

ciepły, ugodny

feeling embarrassed, anxious, or uneasy because of a situation or circumstance

niewygodny, krępujący

not providing any assistance or useful help in making a situation better or easier

niepomocny, bezproduktywny

filled with fog, creating a hazy atmosphere that reduces visibility

mglisty, zamglony

said to show that we are agreeing to do something or we agree with something

Dobrze, OK