resembling or reminding one of flowers through visual patterns, designs, or impressions

kwiatowy, w kwiaty

to launch a vigorous or violent attack on someone or something, either physically or verbally

napaść, atakować

an individual who initiates an attack on someone else, employing various means such as physical violence, verbal aggression, or other forms of assault

napastnik, agresor

lacking various essential needs that are important for well-being or function

uboży, pozbawiony

a state where basic human needs cannot be met due to a lack of resources and access to necessities

nędza, ubóstwo

not displaying emotions and not complaining, especially in difficult and painful situations

stoicki, bezduszny

the quality of enduring hardship or pain without displaying emotion or complaint


language, words, or expressions that are particular to a certain profession, trade, or group

żargon, terminologia

the anatomical organ in the mouth that is involved in tasting, swallowing, and speech


having a modern or current style or design, often reflecting up-to-date trends

współczesny, nowoczesny

expressed or occurring on the spot without preparation

ekstemporalny, improwizowany

repeatedly starting and stopping, in short, irregular intervals

intermittentny, okresowy