Lista de Palavras Nível B2 - Driving
Aqui você aprenderá algumas palavras em inglês sobre direção, como "bumper", "hood", "plate", etc. preparadas para alunos B2.
an institute that teaches people how to drive

autoescola, escola de condução

the numbers and letters on the plates at the front and back of a vehicle

número de licença, número da placa

any type of vehicle that is powered by an engine

veículo motorizado, automóvel

a bar that is attached to the back and front of a vehicle to reduce damage in time of an accident


a brake that is operated by hand to hold a vehicle in place

freio de emergência, freio de mão

a flat piece of metal at the front and back of a vehicle displaying numbers and letters

placa, placa de veículo

a strap that keeps a person attached to their seat to prevent injuries, especially in cars, etc.

cinto de segurança, cinto de proteção

the space at the back of an automobile in which different things can be put

porta-malas, baú

a light on a vehicle that blinks to indicate a change in lane

sinal de mudança de direção, seta de indicação

a long and thin device with rubber on its edge, designed to move across the glass at the front of vehicles to clear it of rain, snow, etc. so that the driver can see the road properly

limpador de para-brisa, vassoura de para-brisa

the place where two or more streets, roads, etc. cross each other

interseção, cruzamento

a turn that a car, etc. makes to move toward the direction it was coming from

retorno, curva em U

a satellite system that shows a place, thing, or person's exact position using signals
a time of day at which traffic is the heaviest because people are leaving for work or home

hora do rush, hora de pico

the traffic offence of driving faster than is legally allowed

excesso de velocidade, velocidade em excesso

to slow down or stop a moving car, etc. by using the brakes

frear, diminuir a velocidade

to choose the direction of and guide a vehicle, ship, etc., especially by using a map

navegar, guiar

the wheel that a driver holds or turns to make a vehicle move in different directions

volante, roda de direção

a bar in front of a motorcycle or bicycle that a person takes by hand to control the direction in which they want to travel

guidão, barra de direção

an area on a road that is marked with wide white lines, where vehicles must stop so people could walk across the road safely

faixa de pedestres, crecente de zebra

a handle in a car or other vehicle, by which a driver can change gears

câmbio, manete de mudança de marchas

the red light at the back of a vehicle that lits up when brakes are used to signal stopping or slowing down to other drivers

luz traseira, luz de freio