Substantivos Básicos - Rosto e Corpo
Aqui você aprenderá substantivos em inglês relacionados ao corpo e ao rosto, como "queixo," "cabelo," e "cotovelo."
the body part that is in the middle of our face and we use to smell and breathe


the soft movable part inside the mouth used for tasting something or speaking


each of the two parts of the body between the top of the arms and the neck


one of the two body parts that is connected to the shoulder and ends with fingers


the part of our body that is at the end of our arm and we use to grab, move, or feel things


each of the long thin parts that are connected to our hands, sometimes the thumb is not included


any of the two soft sides of our face that are bellow our eyes

bochecha, lado do rosto

the hard, thin layer on the upper surface of the tip of the finger and toe

unha, prego

each of the curved bones surrounding the chest to protect the organs inside

costela, costelas

the lower part of the body below the chest that contains the digestive and reproductive organs

abdômen, barriga

the muscular part at the back of the leg between the knee and the ankle

panturrilha, músculo da panturrilha

a rounded joint where the fingers can bend or are joined to the hand

nó do dedo, articulação do dedo

the body part that is inside our head controlling how we feel, think, move, etc.


each of the two bean-shaped organs in the lower back of the body that separate wastes from the blood and make urine


a vital organ in the body that cleans the blood of harmful substances

fígado, órgão vital

a long, continuous tube in the body through which the food coming from the stomach moves and is passed

intestino, intestinos

a large gland in the body that produces insulin and glucagon and substances that help the body digest food

pâncreas, glândula pancreática

a sack of tissue that is attached to the large intestine and is surgically removed if infected


a sac-like organ inside the body where urine is stored before being passed

bexiga, saco urinário