
500 Cele Mai Comune Verbe în Engleză - Top 401 - 425 de verbe

Aici vi se oferă partea 17 a listei celor mai comune verbe din engleză, cum ar fi „lock”, „climb” și „bite”.




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Începe să înveți
Most Common Verbs in English Vocabulary
to lock

to secure something with a lock or seal



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to declare

to officially tell people something

declarând oficial ceva

declarând oficial ceva

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to concentrate

to focus one's all attention on something specific

concentrându-se pe ceva

concentrându-se pe ceva

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to slide

to move smoothly over a surface

alunecând pe o suprafață

alunecând pe o suprafață

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to climb

to go upwards toward the top of a mountain or rock for sport

urca pe

urca pe

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to react

to act or behave in a particular way in response to something

reacționând la cineva sau la ceva

reacționând la cineva sau la ceva

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to comment

to express one's opinion about something or someone

comentând ceva

comentând ceva

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to transform

to change the appearance, character, or nature of a person or object

to bite

to cut into flesh, food, etc. using the teeth



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to lower

to decrease in degree, amount, quality, or strength

to invent

to make or design something that did not exist before

inventând ceva

inventând ceva

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to afford

to be able to pay the cost of something

având suficienți bani pentru a cumpăra ceva

având suficienți bani pentru a cumpăra ceva

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to stare

to look at someone or something without moving the eyes or blinking, usually for a while, and often without showing any expression



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to resist

to use force to prevent something from happening or to fight against an attack

to graduate

to finish a university, college, etc. study course successfully and receive a diploma or degree

devenind absolvent

devenind absolvent

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to compete

to join in a contest or game

to quit

to stop engaging in an activity permanently

oprirea unui proces

oprirea unui proces

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to bet

to risk money on the result of a coming event by trying to predict it

pariind pe cineva sau ceva

pariind pe cineva sau ceva

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to grant

to let someone have something, especially something that they have requested

acordarea cuiva ceva

acordarea cuiva ceva

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to upload

to send an electronic file such as a document, image, etc. from one digital device to another one, often by using the Internet

încărcând ceva

încărcând ceva

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to download

to add data to a computer from the Internet or another computer

descărcare ceva

descărcare ceva

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to rush

to move or act very quickly



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to intend

to have something in mind as a plan or purpose

intenționând să facă ceva

intenționând să facă ceva

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to accomplish

to achieve something after dealing with the difficulties

realizand ceva cu dificultate

realizand ceva cu dificultate

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to purchase

to get goods or services in exchange for money or other forms of payment

cumpărând ceva

cumpărând ceva

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