500 فعل رایج انگلیسی - 401 - 425 فعل برتر
در اینجا قسمت 17 از لیست رایج ترین افعال انگلیسی مانند "lock"، "climb" و "bite" در اختیار شما قرار گرفته است.
املای کلمه
to change the appearance, character, or nature of a person or object
تبدیل کردن
to look at someone or something without moving the eyes or blinking, usually for a while, and often without showing any expression
خیره شدن
to use force to prevent something from happening or to fight against an attack
مبارزه کردن
to finish a university, college, etc. study course successfully and receive a diploma or degree
فارغالتحصیل شدن
to risk money on the result of a coming event by trying to predict it
شرطبندی کردن
to let someone have something, especially something that they have requested
اعطا کردن
to send an electronic file such as a document, image, etc. from one digital device to another one, often by using the Internet
بارگذاری کردن
to achieve something after dealing with the difficulties
به سختی به دست آوردن
to get goods or services in exchange for money or other forms of payment