Fișier în limba engleză - Intermediar - Lecția 4B
Aici veți găsi vocabularul din Lecția 4B din manualul de cursuri de limba engleză File Intermediate, cum ar fi „deprimați”, „pedepsiți”, „umiri”, etc.
Fișe de studiu
to make someone feel extremely sad or discouraged, often as a result of challenging situations, such as loss
a deprima
to make a person feel interested or happy, particularly about something that will happen soon
to fail to meet someone's expectations or hopes, causing them to feel let down or unhappy
a dezamăgi
to make a person feel ashamed, uneasy, or nervous, especially in front of other people
a face pe cineva să se simtă jenat
to do something that causes a person become uninterested, tired, or impatient
a plictisi
to make someone feel annoyed or upset for not being able to achieve what they desire