Abilități Lexicale pentru SAT 2 - Lecția 24
Fișe de studiu
relating to or affecting a large number of people within a community, population, or region
epidemic, referitor la o epidemie
(of a disease) spreading rapidly and affecting many people across the world
pandemic, global
(anatomy) the outer layer of the skin that overlays the dermis
referring to a widespread outbreak of disease among animals in a region or population
intended to last only until something permanent is presented
interimar, provizoriu
to introduce or insert abruptly or unexpectedly between other things
intercala, întrerupe
someone who takes an active verbal role in exchanging views as part of a multi-party discussion, conversation, or interview
interlocutor, interlocutoare
a person who inserts themselves into a place, group or situation without permission or invitation
intrus, interloper
a short interval between parts of a play, movie, etc.
interludiu, pauză
to act as an agent between two parties in order to help resolve a problem or bring about an agreement
a media, a intermedia
a temporary suspension in an ongoing activity before it resumes once more
pauză, intermisie
having the capability or tendency to err, sin or display weaknesses due to imperfect human nature
păcătos, supus erorii
a small excusable offense or mistake
peccadillo, greșeală minoră
a minor remaining part or trace of something that is no longer present in full
vestig, urmă
(of body parts) not as developed as it used to be in earlier relatives
vestigial, atavistic
to be at fault or make mistakes, especially in one's thinking, judgment, or actions
a greși, a se înșela
mistaken or inaccurate due to flaws in reasoning, evidence, or factual support
eronat, greșit
disregarding generally accepted standards, customs or appropriate practices
păcălitor, abaterii
having a strong potential for sudden variations or fluctuations that cannot be predicted
eratic, imprevizibil