Adverbe compuse - Accentuarea sau distincția
Explorați adverbe compuse în limba engleză pentru a exprima accentul sau distincția, inclusiv „needless to say” și „truth be said”.
Fișe de studiu
used to begin a statement that may disagree with or criticize someone while still being polite
cu tot respectul cuvenit
used to give enthusiastic permission or encouragement to do something
used to indicate that what is about to be mentioned is so obvious that it does not require further explanation
Nu este nevoie să spunem
used to introduce a statement or idea that should be considered because of the information or context just discussed
având în vedere acest lucru
used to indicate that the statement being made is a significant understatement or that there is much more that could be said about the topic
used to emphasize that the speaker is being sincere and truthful in their statement
în toată onestitatea
used to indicate that something is so obvious that it does not need to be explicitly mentioned
este de la sine înțeles
used to emphasize that the speaker is about to be completely honest in what they are going to say
Sincer să fiu
used to emphasize that the speaker is revealing something honestly or openly
Sincer să fiu