Decizie, Sugestie și Obligație - A da permisiunea
Aici veți învăța câteva cuvinte în limba engleză legate de acordarea permisiunii, cum ar fi „permis”, „admisibil” și „consimțământ”.
Fișe de studiu
in a manner that is satisfactory or good enough
în mod acceptabil, într-o manieră acceptabilă
the validity or acceptability of something, especially as legal evidence
admisibilitate, validitate
allowable, acceptable, or valid, especially in a court of law
admisibil, acceptabil
permission or approval given for something to happen or be done
consimțământ, aprobat
to give someone permission to do something or to agree to do it
a consimți, a da acordul
the privilege of being officially released from an obligation, law, or something that is usually prohibited
dispensă, exonerare
to encourage someone to carry out a particular action without any reservations
used to explain why something is done or needed
pentru a, în scopul de a
relating or conformable to the law or its administration
legal, conform legii
the state or quality of being permitted by or in accordance with the law
legalitate, conformitate
a timespan during which one is allowed to be absent from their duty or job
concediu, permisiune
in a manner that is required or allowed by the law
legal, în mod legal
officially allowed or accepted according to the rules or laws that apply to a particular situation
legitim, valid
in a manner in compliance with, permitted by, or recognized by the law
legitim, în mod legal
said to show that we are agreeing to do something or we agree with something
Bine, OK
allowed or acceptable according to established rules or standards
permis, acceptabil
the action of allowing someone to do a particular thing or letting something happen, particularly in an official way
permisiune, autorizare
an official document that allows someone to do something
permis, autorizare
a statement or act that shows something is officially accepted