Boken Face2face - Övre mellannivå - Enhet 12 - 12A
Här hittar du vokabulären från Enhet 12 - 12A i Face2Face Upper-Intermediate kursbok, såsom "bugg", "trendig", "krångel" osv.
to cause someone to feel anxious, overwhelmed, or under pressure, often due to excessive demands or expectations
stressa upp någon
to hide a small microphone in a place or device in order to secretly listen to or record someone's conversations
to ask someone to wait briefly or pause for a moment
ber någon att vänta
to briefly visit a place, often without prior planning or notice
Dyka upp
to make a mistake or error, causing a situation or task to become disorganized, confused, or unsuccessful
förstöra något
to relax and take a break especially when feeling stressed or upset
hålla sig lugn
the currency of the United Kingdom, equivalent to one hundred pence