Kniha Face2face - Vyšší středně pokročilý - Jednotka 12 - 12A
Zde najdete slovní zásobu z lekce 12 - 12A v učebnici Face2Face Upper-Intermediate, jako je „bug“, „trendy“, „hádka“ atd.
to stress somebody out
to cause someone to feel anxious, overwhelmed, or under pressure, often due to excessive demands or expectations
to bug
to hide a small microphone in a place or device in order to secretly listen to or record someone's conversations

odposlouchávat, umístit skrytý mikrofon

to pop into
to briefly visit a place, often without prior planning or notice

navštívit, zaskočit

to mess up
to make a mistake or error, causing a situation or task to become disorganized, confused, or unsuccessful

zakoušet, pokazit

to chill out
to relax and take a break especially when feeling stressed or upset

uvolnit se, odpočinout si


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