
Mänskliga Relationer - Förtroende och pålitlighet

Utforska engelska ordspråk som skildrar tillit och tillförlitlighet med ordspråk som "en dåres tal är en luftbubbla" och "bra bokföring ger goda vänner".







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Human Relationships
if you trust before you try, you may repent before you die

used to advise against trusting or believing in someone or something without first verifying their reliability or effectiveness, as it may lead to regret or negative consequences in the future

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you should know a man seven years before you stir his fire

used to advise patience and careful consideration in forming close relationships, indicating that trust and loyalty are built over time and through experience

du borde känna en man sju år innan du rör hans eld

du borde känna en man sju år innan du rör hans eld

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a dog that will bring a bone will carry a bone

used to imply that a person who shares gossip with one cannot be trusted, as they are likely to spread gossip about one as well

en hund som kommer med ett ben kommer att bära ett ben

en hund som kommer med ett ben kommer att bära ett ben

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promises are like pie crust , (they are) made to be broken

used to suggest that promises are often insincere or easily broken, and should not be relied upon too heavily

löften är som pajskal, de är gjorda för att brytas

löften är som pajskal, de är gjorda för att brytas

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be slow to promise, but quick to perform

used to emphasize that one should not make promises lightly or without careful consideration, but once a promise is made, it should be fulfilled promptly and without delay

var långsam med att lova, men snabb att utföra

var långsam med att lova, men snabb att utföra

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jam tomorrow and jam yesterday, but never jam today

used to caution people against being deceived or distracted by empty promises that offer future rewards or benefits that are not fulfilled in the present moment

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a fool's speech is a bubble of air

used to suggest that the words spoken by a fool lack substance or depth, and therefore should not be trusted or taken seriously

en dåres tal är en luftbubbla

en dåres tal är en luftbubbla

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bees that have honey in their mouths have stings in their tails

used to suggest that people or things that seem harmless or kind may conceal hidden dangers or harmful intentions, advising one to be wary and cautious of potential risks or threats

bin som har honung i munnen har stick i svansen

bin som har honung i munnen har stick i svansen

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good accounting makes (for) good friends

used to imply when people are honest and accurate in their accounting, they are less likely to have disagreements about money which can help to keep friendships peaceful and harmonious

bra redovisning ger goda vänner

bra redovisning ger goda vänner

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