
Mänskliga Egenskaper och Kvaliteter - Stolthet & ödmjukhet

Dyk ner i engelska ordspråk som skildrar stolthet och ödmjukhet, som "en lastad vagn gör inget ljud" och "arrogans minskar visdom".







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Human Traits & Qualities
the boughs that bear most hang lowest

used to suggest that those who possess the greatest qualities, achievements, or responsibilities tend to be more humble and grounded

a loaded wagon makes no noise

used to suggest that when someone is successful or accomplished, they often do not boast or draw attention to themselves

en lastad vagn låter inte

en lastad vagn låter inte

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the higher the monkey climbs, the more he shows his tail

used to imply that as someone's status or position increases, their faults and shortcomings become more noticeable and harder to conceal

ju högre apan klättrar, desto mer visar han sin svans

ju högre apan klättrar, desto mer visar han sin svans

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honors change manners

used to suggest that receiving recognition or honor can have an impact on one's behavior and attitude towards others, whether positive or negative

pride comes before a fall

used to imply that excessive pride or overconfidence can lead to a person's downfall or failure

stolthet kommer före ett fall

stolthet kommer före ett fall

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pride feels no pain

used to imply that pride can cause a person to ignore or overlook discomfort or suffering, prioritizing maintaining their pride over resolving their problems or receiving help

stolthet känner ingen smärta

stolthet känner ingen smärta

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self-praise is no recommendation

used to imply that when a person praises their own abilities or accomplishments, it is not a reliable or trustworthy recommendation compared to the opinions of others

självberöm är ingen rekommendation

självberöm är ingen rekommendation

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arrogance diminishes wisdom

used to highlight the negative impact of arrogance on a person's ability to gain and apply knowledge and wisdom

arrogans förminskar visdom

arrogans förminskar visdom

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if you have got it, flaunt it

used to suggest that if one has a desirable quality or possession, it is acceptable to show it off, emphasizing the idea of being proud of one's achievements or possessions

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