Allmän Träning IELTS (Band 6-7) - Befalla och ge tillstånd
Här kommer du att lära dig några engelska ord relaterade till att befalla och ge behörigheter som är nödvändiga för den allmänna utbildningen IELTS-examen.
to tell someone to do something, particularly in an official manner

instruktion, ge anvisningar

to be in charge of someone or an activity and watch them to make sure everything is done properly

övervaka, kontrollera

to devotedly follow or support something, such as a rule, belief, plan, etc.

följa, anhålla

to officially give permission for a specific action, process, etc.

auktorisera, ge tillstånd

to officially approve of something such as an action, change, practice, etc.

sanktionera, godkänna

to give someone the legal right to have or do something particular

berättiga, ge rätt till

to give someone the power or authorization to do something particular

ge makt, befogenhet ge

to give permission for the use, practice, or production of something through a formal agreement

licenciera, tillåta

to let someone have something, especially something that they have requested

bevilja, ge

to impose a restriction or official ban on the release, publication, or distribution of certain information, news, or materials

embarga, förbuda

to make someone do something by using force, influence, or other methods

utsätta för tryck, tvinga

to make someone do something, typically through legal, moral, or social means

förpliktiga, stvå

to make someone do something because it is required by law, duty, etc.

förpliktiga, tvinga