Kollokationer med Andra Verb - Kommunikation & Interaktion
Utforska engelska kollokationer för att beskriva kommunikation och interaktion med exempel som "släpp ett e-postmeddelande" och "spela värd".
to intentionally refer to someone using unpleasant or offensive words
använder dåliga ord när du pratar med någon
to engage in polite and friendly conversation, often involving customary greetings or small talk
ha ett vänligt samtal
to transmit a digital message via electronic mail to one or more recipients
skicka ett mejl
to collect funds, often through various means such as fundraising, investments, donations, or other financial efforts
to organize and host a social event or celebration, typically involving friends, family, or acquaintances
anordna en fest
to make a kissing gesture with one's hand or lips and send it toward another person as a sign of affection
kyssa någon
to stimulate curiosity, fascination, or enthusiasm in a person for a particular topic, subject, or activity
väcka någons nyfikenhet
to express a complaint, concern, or dissatisfaction about a particular issue, typically to an authority figure or in a formal setting
klaga eller uttrycka sitt missnöje
to expel air through the nostrils into a tissue or similar item to remove mucus or clear the nasal passages
blåser näsan
to notify one's employer or supervisor that one is unwell and unable to work on a specific day
när du meddelar att du inte kan komma till jobbet på grund av sjukdom
to engage in a physical fight or confrontation
när två eller flera personer bråkar fysiskt
to respond to a missed or unanswered phone call by calling the person back
ringa någon som ringde dig
to offer good wishes or express congratulations, often accompanied by raising and clinking glasses, before or during a celebratory drink
dricka för någons hälsa
to say things about a person or thing that are unpleasant or mean
säga dåliga saker om någon eller något
to make a buzzing or vibrating sound by blowing air through a curled tongue between the lips, often as a sign of playful teasing
avger ett oförskämt ljud med sina läppar
to claim that one does not possess information or awareness of a specific subject, event, or fact
avger ett oförskämt ljud med sina läppar
to separate or go in different directions after being together
skilja sig från andra
to change one's vehicle's position and smoothly join the flow of traffic in a different lane while driving
flyttar från ett körfält till ett annat
to welcome and consider logical and rational arguments or viewpoints, often leading to a change in one's perspective or course of action
tänka logiskt
to respond to a name or label that has been given to someone or something
svar på namnet
to actively search for employment or professional opportunities in a specific field or industry
när du söker jobb
to observe the shape and movements of someone's lips in order to interpret and understand what they are saying
to initiate an official investigation, study, or examination into a specific matter or issue
undersöker något officiellt
to carry out a clever or daring action, often for entertainment, surprise, or deception
smart lura någon
to twist and rub one's hands together out of distress or worry
gnugga händerna mot varandra
used to ask for clarification or confirmation about a particular statement or situation, typically seeking to ensure that one has a clear and accurate understanding of what has been said or presented
låt mig se om jag förstått rätt
to inform one's employer of one's intentions of leaving one's job after a certain period of time
used when saying goodbye to someone when one is expecting to see them again
vi ses senare
to communicate one's emotions, opinions, or thoughts through spoken words
uttrycka sina känslor eller tankar genom att prata
to increase knowledge or understanding about a particular issue, cause, or topic
öka medvetenheten
to bring up a topic or issue for discussion or consideration
ställa en fråga