Edatlar - Tarz ve Ortam Edatları
Bu edatlar bir şeyin nasıl yapıldığını, hangi kanal veya ortam aracılığıyla başarıldığını belirtir.
Gözden Geçir
Flash kartlar
used to specify the medium through which something is transmitted, broadcast, or presented
üzerinde, -da/-de
used to indicate the means or method through which an action is performed, a result is achieved, or a process is carried out
vasıtasıyla, aracılığıyla
used to indicate a position where someone is sitting or standing with a leg on each side of an object
at sırtında, yanlamasına oturarak
used to indicate the means or method employed to accomplish a particular action or goal
used to indicate not having or being deprived of a particular element
through the force, effort, or influence of someone or something
sayesinde, aracılığıyla
used to indicate that something or someone moves or travels by passing through a place on the way to another