Успіх - Успішні люди та речі
Зануртеся в англійські ідіоми щодо успішних людей і речей, як-от «темна конячка» та «пізно розквіт».
dark horse
a person with secret skills or ideas that when become known, they surprise people

темна кінь, неочікуваний кандидат

fat cat
someone who is very rich or influential, particularly a politician or business owner

товстий кіт, впливова особа

to have (got) it going on
to achieve or experience significant success or progress, often with a sense of confidence and positive momentum
late bloomer
a person who achieves success, wealth, etc., at the later stages of life compared to others

пізній розквіт, людина

king of the hill
the person who holds the highest position or achieves the greatest success in a particular context or competition

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