Framgång - Framgångsrika människor och saker
Dyk ner i engelska idiom angående framgångsrika människor och saker, som "dark horse" och "late bloomer".
a person with secret skills or ideas that when become known, they surprise people
mörk häst, överraskande kandidat
someone who is very rich or influential, particularly a politician or business owner
fet katt, rik person
to achieve or experience significant success or progress, often with a sense of confidence and positive momentum
a person who achieves success, wealth, etc., at the later stages of life compared to others
senblomma, person som blommar sent
the person who holds the highest position or achieves the greatest success in a particular context or competition
(of a person or organization) to be exceptionally influential or important
an individual who is highly skilled or experienced in a specific activity or profession
mannen, killen