Загальна Підготовка IELTS (Рівень 6-7) - Стать і сексуальність
Тут ви дізнаєтеся кілька англійських слів, пов’язаних із статтю та сексуальністю, які необхідні для іспиту General Training IELTS.
someone, especially a man, who is sexually drawn to people of their own sex

гей, гомосексуал

a gender-neutral honorific title used instead of traditional titles like Mr. or Ms

mx, mx (гендерно-нейтральний титул)

the qualities or attributes that are considered to be typical of or suitable for women

жіночність, фемінність

the state of having the sex organs or other sexual features of both genders

інтерсекс, інтерсексуал

the qualities or attributes that are considered to be typical of or suitable for men

чоловічість, маскулінізм

a method of gender classification that categorizes all people into either male or female

гендерна бінарність, гендерний бінаризм

the fact or condition of being male, female or non-binary that people identify themselves with based on social and cultural roles

гендер, стать

(of a person) sexually attracted only to one's opposite sex

гетеросексуальний, гетеро

describing or relating to someone whose gender identity does not correspond with their birth sex

трансгендерний, трансгендерний (прикметник)

related to someone whose gender identity does not fit in the traditional binary categories of male or female

недворовий, небінарний

describing a person whose gender identity doesn't align with traditional notions of male or female

гендерквір, небінарний

relating or referring to individuals whose gender identity can change over time, shifting between different genders or expressions

гендерфлюїдний, плавна гендерна ідентичність

describing a person or identity that lacks a specific gender or does not identify with any gender

агендерний, безгендерний

(of a person) having no sexual interests or not experiencing any sexual attraction

асексуальний, асексуальна

describing someone or something pertaining to two genders

бігендерний, двохгендерний

(of a person) having a sexual attraction to people of both their own gender and other genders

бісексуальний, бісексуальна

not exclusive to any particular gender and suitable for people of all gender identities

гендерно нейтральний, неприв'язаний до гендеру

descrbing a person who keeps their sexual orientation or gender identity hidden from others

в замкнутому просторі, прихований

to disclose one's LGBTQIA+ identity or orientation to others

вийти з шафи, зізнатися у своїй орієнтації

related to qualities, characteristics, or behaviors typically associated with women

фемінний, жіночий

related to qualities, characteristics, or behaviors typically associated with men

чоловічий, маскулінний

(of a person) having a sexual or romantic attraction to people of the opposite gender

гетеросексуальний, гетеросексуальна

(of a person) having a sexual or romantic attraction to people of the same gender

гомосексуальний, гомосексуальна

lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer or questioning

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