a gender-neutral honorific title used instead of traditional titles like Mr. or Ms
mx, mx(性别中立称谓)
the qualities or attributes that are considered to be typical of or suitable for women
女性特质, 女性气质
the qualities or attributes that are considered to be typical of or suitable for men
男性气质, 阳刚之气
a method of gender classification that categorizes all people into either male or female
性别二元, 性别二元分类
the fact or condition of being male, female or non-binary that people identify themselves with based on social and cultural roles
性别, 性
describing or relating to someone whose gender identity does not correspond with their birth sex
变性人, 变性人(形容词)
related to someone whose gender identity does not fit in the traditional binary categories of male or female
非二元, 非二元性别
describing a person whose gender identity doesn't align with traditional notions of male or female
性别酷儿, 非二元
relating or referring to individuals whose gender identity can change over time, shifting between different genders or expressions
性别流动, 流动的性别认同
describing a person or identity that lacks a specific gender or does not identify with any gender
无性别的, 无性别
(of a person) having no sexual interests or not experiencing any sexual attraction
无性, 无性别的
(of a person) having a sexual attraction to people of both their own gender and other genders
双性恋, 双性者
not exclusive to any particular gender and suitable for people of all gender identities
性别中立的, 不特定性别的
descrbing a person who keeps their sexual orientation or gender identity hidden from others
隐蔽的, 隐藏的
related to qualities, characteristics, or behaviors typically associated with women
女性的, 阴性的
related to qualities, characteristics, or behaviors typically associated with men
男性的, 阳刚的
(of a person) having a sexual or romantic attraction to people of the opposite gender
异性恋的, 异性恋
(of a person) having a sexual or romantic attraction to people of the same gender
同性恋的, 同性恋的
to address or refer to someone using terms that don't align with their affirmed gender identity
错误性别称呼, 错误地指定性别