Вигуки - Наповнювачі розмов
Ці вирази використовуються в мові, щоб заповнити моменти вагань або невизначеності або дати мовцеві час зібратися з думками.
used as a filler in conversation, indicating contemplation, hesitation, or uncertainty
Гмм, Е-е
used in speech to indicate hesitation, uncertainty, or the need for a moment to gather one's thoughts
Емм, Ех
used as a placeholder or filler in conversation, typically to indicate a momentary pause or hesitation
Ем, Еээ
used as a placeholder or filler in conversation, often to indicate a temporary pause or hesitation
ем, гм
used to initiate a statement, provide context, or transition between ideas in speech
Отже, Тож
used as a placeholder or filler in conversation, typically to indicate a temporary pause or hesitation
Е-е, Гм
used as a placeholder or filler in conversation, typically to signify a momentary pause or hesitation
ем, гм
used as a filler phrase to pause or fill gaps in speech
ти знаєш, ви знаєте
used as a filler in conversation, often to add emphasis, provide examples, or express approximation
наче, мовляв