Interjecții - Filler de conversație
Aceste expresii sunt folosite în vorbire pentru a umple momentele de ezitare ale incertitudinii sau pentru a oferi vorbitorului timp să-și adune gândurile.
Fișe de studiu
used as a filler in conversation, indicating contemplation, hesitation, or uncertainty
Hmm, Ehm
used to express contemplation, or fill the gaps in communciation
Ei bine, Deci
used in speech to indicate hesitation, uncertainty, or the need for a moment to gather one's thoughts
Eh, Ehm
used as a placeholder or filler in conversation, typically to indicate a momentary pause or hesitation
Eh, Mmm
used as a placeholder or filler in conversation, often to indicate a temporary pause or hesitation
ehm, hm
used to initiate a statement, provide context, or transition between ideas in speech
Așadar, Deci
used as a placeholder or filler in conversation, typically to indicate a temporary pause or hesitation
Eh, Hmmm
used as a placeholder or filler in conversation, typically to signify a momentary pause or hesitation
ă, hm
used as a filler phrase to pause or fill gaps in speech
știi, știi tu
used as a filler in conversation, often to add emphasis, provide examples, or express approximation
gen, ca să zic așa