Tussenwerpsels - Gesprekvullers
Deze uitdrukkingen worden in spraak gebruikt om de momenten van aarzeling of onzekerheid op te vullen of om de spreker de tijd te geven zijn gedachten te ordenen.
used as a filler in conversation, indicating contemplation, hesitation, or uncertainty

Hm, Hmm

used in speech to indicate hesitation, uncertainty, or the need for a moment to gather one's thoughts

Ehm, Eh

used as a placeholder or filler in conversation, typically to indicate a momentary pause or hesitation

Ehm, Uh

used as a placeholder or filler in conversation, often to indicate a temporary pause or hesitation

eh, um

used to initiate a statement, provide context, or transition between ideas in speech

Dus, Nou

used as a placeholder or filler in conversation, typically to indicate a temporary pause or hesitation

Uh, Ehm

used as a placeholder or filler in conversation, typically to signify a momentary pause or hesitation

uh, hm