Розширений Словниковий Запас для TOEFL - Особистісні характеристики
Тут ви дізнаєтеся кілька англійських слів про особистісні характеристики, такі як «образливий», «низкий», «хитрий» тощо, які необхідні для іспиту TOEFL.
treating someone cruelly and violently, especially in a physical or psychological way

образливий, жорстокий

(of interpersonal relations) behaving with friendliness and without disputing

дружелюбний, мирний

lacking courage, typically avoiding difficult or dangerous situations

трусливий, боягузливий

showing excessive self-satisfaction in one's accomplishments, possessions, or capabilities

похвалянський, самовдоволений

working very hard and with careful attention to detail so that everything is done as well as possible

працьовитий, старанний

exhibiting extreme moral corruption or twisted values, often reflecting profound wickedness

безсоромний, потворствуючи

showing simplicity, honesty, or innocence and willing to trust others due to a lack of life experience

наївний, відвертий

(of a person) avoiding emotions and taking logic into account when making decisions

раціональний, розумний

(of a person) not intelligent and unable to comprehend complicated matters

простодушний, неособливо розумний

thinking only about oneself, not about other people's needs or desires

егоцентричний, егоїстичний

highly skilled, proficient, or talented in a particular activity or field

вмілий, кваліфікований

acting in accordance with one's conscience and sense of duty

сумлінний, дбайливий

displaying a passion for causing trouble in an amusing manner

непосидючий, досадливий

failing to respect boundaries, doing something despite having no right in doing so

самовпевнений, зухвалий

(of a person) likely to change their mind or feelings in a senseless manner too frequently

несправедливий, кпинистий

stubborn and unwilling to change one's behaviors, opinions, views, etc. despite other people's reasoning and persuasion

упертий, твердолобий

showing a tendency to have control over others without taking their emotions into account

деспотичний, авторитарний

(of a man or his manners) behaving with courtesy and politeness toward women

галантний, сміливий

lacking depth of character, seriousness, mindful thinking, or real understanding

поверхневий, легковажний

having refined taste, elegance, and knowledge of complex matters

софістикований, вишуканий

not behaving in a reasonable, and calm way, either because of being worried about something or because of having a mental illness

невротичний, тривожний