اکیڈمک IELTS (بینڈ 6-7) - فلم اور تھیٹر
یہاں، آپ فلم اور تھیٹر سے متعلق کچھ انگریزی الفاظ سیکھیں گے جو تعلیمی IELTS امتحان کے لیے ضروری ہیں۔
فلیش کارڈز
to give a short performance in order to get a role in a movie, play, show, etc.
آڈیشن دینا, آڈیشن کرنا
a movie, TV program, etc. that is based on a book or play
انطباق, فلم انطباق
a warning given before the important plot points of a movie, book, game, etc. are revealed
سپوائلر ایلیٹ, سپوائلر انتباہ
unwanted information about how the plot of a movie, game, book, etc. develops or ends that can ruin one's enjoyment
اسپوائلر, افشاء
the process of replacing original recorded dialogue or sound with a new version, usually in a different language or for technical reasons, in film and video production
ڈبنگ, آواز کی تبدیلی
the first public screening or performance of a movie or play
پہلا نمائش
a book, movie, play, etc. that continues and extends the story of an earlier one
سیکوئل, تسلسل
a set of three movies, books, etc. that are related or have the same characters
a humorous or embarrassing mistake, often made during filming, recording, or live performance
بھیگی ہوئی, غلطی
a technique or process of selecting, editing, and pasting separate footage in order to create a motion picture
a novel, motion picture, etc. that depicts the events and stories taking place before the events of an earlier work
پریquel, پہلا حصہ
production of something new based on a successful movie or TV show
اسپن آف, ذیلی پیداوار
spoken descriptions given in a movie or a television show, etc. by a narrator that is not seen by the audience
وائس اوور, نریٹ کرنی کی آواز
a backdrop used in video and film production that can be digitally replaced with any background during post-production
سبز اسکرین, سبز پس منظر
the raw material that is filmed by a video or movie camera
فٹیج, ریکارڈنگ
a small place at a cinema, theater, etc. from which tickets are bought
باکس آفس, ٹکٹ کاؤنٹر
a horror movie in which characters are brutalized and murdered by an unknown person
ہنر فلم, سلشعر
a humorous show on television or radio with the same characters being involved with numerous funny situations in different episodes
a genre of comedy that uses topics and situations that are usually considered taboo or tragic, such as death, disease, war, and crime, to create humor
بلیک کامیڈی, کالا مزاح
a dramatic genre characterized by exaggerated emotions, intense conflicts, etc., often trying to create strong emotional reactions in the audience
the American film industry, involving celebrities, its lifestyle, etc. as a whole
ہالی ووڈ
the film industry of India, based in the city of Mumbai
بالی وڈ, ہندوستان کی فلمی صنعت
a colloquial term used to describe the Nigerian film industry, known for producing movies that are typically low-budget, direct-to-video, and predominantly in English, Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa languages
نولیوڈ, نائیجیریا کی فلمی صنعت
a showing of a movie to an audience, typically at a scheduled time
اسکریننگ, پیشکش
the main female character in a story, book, film, etc., typically known for great qualities
the main bad character in a movie, story, play, etc.
منفی کردار, دشمن کردار
the script and written instructions used in producing a motion picture
اسکرین پلے, نصاب
a detailed judgment of something, such as a work of art, a political idea, etc.
تنقید, تشخیص
a written description of the characters, events, or settings in a movie or play
منظر, کہانی کا خاکہ
an unexpected turn in the course of events
غیر متوقع موڑ, حیران کن تبدیلی