سی ٹو سطح کی الفاظ کی فہرست - Crime
یہاں آپ جرائم کے بارے میں بات کرنے کے لیے تمام ضروری الفاظ سیکھیں گے، جو خاص طور پر لیول C2 سیکھنے والوں کے لیے جمع کیے گئے ہیں۔
فلیش کارڈز
the act of unlawfully influencing or intimidating a witness in a legal case

گواہ کو متاثر کرنا, گواہ خوفزدہ کرنا

a criminal investigation that has remained unsolved for a significant period and lacks recent investigative leads

سرد کیس, غیر حل شدہ کیس

an individual or group of individuals who take the law into their own hands, acting outside the legal system to enforce their version of justice or address perceived wrongs

وِیجلنٹ, وِیجلنٹ گروپ

an action that is considered wrong or unacceptable yet not very serious

غیر ذمہ دارانہ عمل, ہلکا سا جرم

the act of stealing funds that are placed in one's trust and belong to one's employer

بدعنوانی, embezzlement

a crime where someone forces another person to give them money or valuable things by threatening or intimidating them

زبر دستی, دھمکی دینا

a member of a criminal organization, often involved in organized crime such as racketeering, extortion, and other illicit activities

مجرم, گروہ کا رکن

the intentional and unlawful physical contact or harm inflicted on another person

حملہ, تشدد

the tendency of a person who has been convicted of a criminal offense to reoffend, leading to their re-arrest, reconviction, or return to criminal behavior

مجرم کا بار بار جرم کرنا

the environment or territory associated with criminal gangs, particularly those engaged in organized crime, violence, and illicit activities

گینگلینڈ, علیحدہ گینگ کا علاقہ

to illegally obtain or exploit copyrighted or patented material for personal gain

لوٹنا, چوری کرنا

to cooperate secretly or illegally for deceiving other people

سازباز کرنا, دوستی کرنا

to illegally hunt, catch, or fish on another person's property or in prohibited areas

بغیر اجازت شکار کرنا, غیر قانونی شکار کرنا

to take something for one's own use, especially illegally or without the owner's permission

غصب کرنا, اپنے لیے لینا

to deceive someone in order to deprive them of something, such as money, property, or information

دھوکہ دینا, فریب دینا

to provide evidence or information that suggests a person's involvement in a crime or wrongdoing

مجرم قرار دینا, الزام دینا

to commit a harmful, illegal, or immoral act, such as a crime or an offense

مرتکب ہونا, انجام دینا

to lie in a court of law after officially swearing to tell the truth

جھوٹی گواہی دینا, گواہی میں جھوٹ بولنا

to illegally obtain money, property, or services from someone through threat of harm or force

زبردستی لینا, چلانا

to enter someone's land or building without permission

غیر قانونی طور پر جانا, داخل ہونا

to forcibly steal a vehicle from its driver, often involving threats or violence

گاڑی چھیننا, گاڑی چوری کرنا

to produce, distribute, or sell illicit or unauthorized goods

سمگل کرنا, غیر قانونی طور پر پیدا کرنا