a variation of association football played indoors on a smaller field with walls instead of sidelines

ان ڈور ساکر, فٹ سال

a fast-paced variant of indoor soccer played with a smaller ball and on a smaller court

فوٹسال, انڈور فٹ بال

a variant of soccer played on sandy beaches with smaller teams and modified rules

بیچ ساکر, ساحلی فٹ بال

a modified version of soccer specifically designed for athletes with physical disabilities, played according to adapted rules and regulations

پیرا اولمپک فٹ بال, پیرا اولمپک ساکر

a variation of soccer specifically designed for visually impaired athletes, played with a ball containing rattles and with players wearing blindfolds

اندھے فٹ بال, بصری طور پر معذوروں کے لیے فٹ بال

a competitive team sport played by individuals using power wheelchairs, involving maneuvering the ball to score goals

پاور چیئر ساکر, بجلی کی کرسی ساکر

a pass sent from the side of the field to the area near the opponent's goal

کروس, سائیڈ پاس

a pass made by a player to a teammate positioned behind them, often directed to the goalkeeper

پیچھے کا پاس, واپسی کا پاس

a short, controlled pass in soccer using the side of the foot to accurately move the ball to a teammate

پش پاس, چھوٹا پاس

a pass made to a teammate positioned horizontally or laterally from the passer, typically to maintain possession or create space

طرفی پاس, پھر کے پاس

a move in soccer where a player uses the heel of their foot to pass the ball backward to a teammate

پچھلے ہیل پاس, ہیل کی پاس

a forward pass that goes between or past defenders to reach a teammate in an attacking position

تھرو پاس, گہرائی کا پاس

the act of passing the ball in a particular direction or style to a teammate in soccer

طویل پاس, لمبی گیند

a strategic soccer kickoff aimed at quickly recovering the ball before it travels the necessary distance

تکتیقی کک, گیند کی بازیابی کی کک

(soccer) the act of striking the ball with the tip of the foot rather than the instep or side

انگشت پاؤں سے مارنا, پانچوں سے لکیریں

the act of striking the ball while it is in the air, without letting it touch the ground first

والے کک, فضا میں کک

(soccer) a free kick awarded to the attacking team when the ball goes out of play over the defending team's goal line

کونے کا کک, کونے کا شاٹ

(soccer) a free kick taken from the goal area when the ball crosses the goal line, last touched by an attacker

گول کک, گول کا کک

a direct free kick taken from the penalty spot, awarded after a foul in the penalty area

پینالٹی کک, سزا کی کک

a tiebreaker method where players take turns shooting penalty kicks to determine the winner of a match that remains undecided after regular play and extra time

پنالٹی شوٹ آؤٹ, پنالٹی کک

(soccer) a kick that lightly lifts the ball over an opponent, usually the goalkeeper

چپ شاٹ, لوب شاٹ

(soccer) a kick awarded to the attacking team when the ball goes out of play over the defending team's goal line

کارنر, کونے کا کک

(soccer) the difference between the total number of goals scored and conceded by a team in a competition

گول کا فرق, بہتر گول کا فرق

to strike the ball with the head, usually to pass or score in soccer

سر سے مارنا, سر سے کھیلنا

to control or redirect the ball using the chest in soccer

چھاتی سے کنٹرول کرنا, چھاتی سے دوبارہ ہدایت دینا

to kick the ball a long distance in soccer in an attempt to change field position

پونٹ کرنا, بہت دور تک لٹکانا