
Sách Solutions - Trung cấp - Đơn vị 2 - 2G

Tại đây, bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ vựng từ Đơn vị 2 - 2G trong sách khóa học Solutions Middle, chẳng hạn như "parkour", "bodyboarding", "hiking", v.v.


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Solutions - Intermediate

an exciting or unusual experience, often involving risk or physical activity

một trải nghiệm thú vị và đáng nhớ

một trải nghiệm thú vị và đáng nhớ

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something that a person spends time doing, particularly to accomplish a certain purpose

phạm vi hoạt động

phạm vi hoạt động

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a sport that involves descending a vertical surface, such as a rock face or a building, using a rope and specialized equipment

leo xuống dưới

leo xuống dưới

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a water sport that involves riding waves on a small board, called a bodyboard, while lying on one's stomach or chest

lướt ván nằm

lướt ván nằm

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bungee jumping

an activity in which someone jumps from a very high place with a rubber cord tied around their ankles

nhảy bungee

nhảy bungee

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the activity or sport of going upwards toward the top of a mountain or rock

leo núi

leo núi

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hang gliding

a sport or activity where a person flies through the air using a glider

bay lượn

bay lượn

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the activity of taking long walks in the countryside or mountains, often for fun

đi bộ đường dài

đi bộ đường dài

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a type of boat that is light and has an opening in the top in which the paddler sits

chèo xuồng

chèo xuồng

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mountain biking

the activity or sport of riding a mountain bike over rough ground

đạp xe leo núi

đạp xe leo núi

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the sport or activity of moving through an area, particularly an urban area, by running, jumping, and climbing over, under, or around different obstacles

vượt chướng ngại vật

vượt chướng ngại vật

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the sport or activity of riding a surfboard to move on waves

sự ngán vì quá no

sự ngán vì quá no

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a winter sport or activity in which the participant stands on a board and glides over snow, typically on a mountainside

trượt tuyết

trượt tuyết

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the activity or sport of racing in small four-wheeled vehicles called karts

đua xe kart

đua xe kart

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