
Sách Total English - Trung cấp cao - Bài 7 - Từ Vựng

Tại đây bạn sẽ tìm thấy các từ trong Unit 7 - Từ vựng trong giáo trình Total English Upper-Intermediate, chẳng hạn như "tự hào", "overtire", "retrain", v.v.


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Total English - Upper-intermediate

causing slight anger

khó chịu

khó chịu

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feeling satisfied with someone or one's possessions, achievements, etc.

cảm thấy vinh dự và hài lòng

cảm thấy vinh dự và hài lòng

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causing a person to feel ashamed or uneasy

xấu hổ

xấu hổ

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used to form negative or opposite meanings of root words



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not commonly happening or done

bất thường

bất thường

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feeling embarrassed, anxious, or uneasy because of a situation or circumstance

xấu hổ hoặc lo lắng

xấu hổ hoặc lo lắng

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not needed at all or more than what is required

không cần thiết

không cần thiết

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[Tính từ]

used to form words that relate to concepts or entities that are singular or alone

bệnh tăng bạch cầu đơn nhân

bệnh tăng bạch cầu đơn nhân

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boring because of being the same thing all the time

đơn điệu

đơn điệu

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a spoken expression of one's thoughts or feelings, typically directed towards an audience, delivered by a single individual

độc thoại

độc thoại

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a person who speaks or is fluent in only one language

đơn ngữ

đơn ngữ

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used to indicate something additional or beyond the usual



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extra large

(of a size) bigger or larger than what is considered standard or normal

cực lớn

cực lớn

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extra small

clothing or garments that are designed for individuals who require sizes beyond the standard range, typically larger or smaller than the average sizes available

rất nhỏ

rất nhỏ

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used to indicate an excess of something, implying that the quantity or amount of something is greater than necessary or beyond a certain limit



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to oversleep

to wake up later than one intended to

ngủ quá giờ thức dậy

ngủ quá giờ thức dậy

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to overtire

to exhaust someone excessively beyond normal limits

quá mệt mỏi

quá mệt mỏi

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to overwork

to work too much, often to the point of exhaustion or burnout

bắt làm việc quá độ

bắt làm việc quá độ

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used to indicate that something is beneath, below, inferior, or subordinate to something else



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to underestimate

to regard something or someone as smaller or less important than they really are

đánh giá quá thấp

đánh giá quá thấp

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to undercook

to cook food for less time than necessary

nấu chưa chín

nấu chưa chín

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to underpay

to pay someone less than what is fair or reasonable for their work or services

không trả tiền

không trả tiền

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used to indicate a repeated action, a reversal of a previous action, or a return to a previous state or condition

nốt Rê

nốt Rê

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[Tiền tố]
to retrain

to teach someone new skills or knowledge for improvement in the current job, or to enable them to work in a different field

huấn luyện lại

huấn luyện lại

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to reheat

to warm previously cooked food

hâm nóng thức ăn

hâm nóng thức ăn

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to rewrite

to write something differently, often in order to improve it

viết lại

viết lại

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used to indicate the presence of two of something, or that something has two parts or aspects



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able to speak, understand, or use two languages fluently

song ngữ

song ngữ

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a vehicle with two wheels that we ride by pushing its pedals with our feet

xe đạp

xe đạp

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taking place twice a year

một năm hai lần

một năm hai lần

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used to denote a multitude or variety of something

có nghĩa là nhiều

có nghĩa là nhiều

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involving or relating to multiple countries or nationalities

đa quốc gia

đa quốc gia

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the application of images, text, audio, and video files collectively

đa phương tiện

đa phương tiện

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designed or intended for multiple uses or functions

đa năng

đa năng

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used to describe a person or thing that was previously in a particular position or relationship but is not anymore

bán tại

bán tại

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a woman who was previously in a romantic relationship with someone but is no longer together with them

bạn gái cũ

bạn gái cũ

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a man who was previously married to someone but is no longer married to them

chồng cũ

chồng cũ

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